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Media Technology

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Media Technology

Media Technology

In this fast paced digital age almost anyone with a digital video camera, a computer, and creative talent can put together a production. At the same time, those who win ongoing recognition for their work draw upon an understanding of the development of the full production process. This class offers students an overall appreciation for the media production field and teaches best practices on the most up-to-date technology.

Careers: Cameraperson, Director, Producer, Editor, Graphic Artist, Journalist

This course provides classroom instruction and hands-on experiences related to media technology.  Modules emphasize studio and field production for a variety of audio and video-based media platforms including: television and radio broadcasting, print media and newer digital arenas.  This course will help students understand media, embrace media concepts and successfully prepare for a career in the media communications field.

Josh Coley

“In media technology, as in most of today’s high-tech areas, knowledge is power!

Email: Josh Coley